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Showing posts from August, 2014

Art for Art’s Sake

An interpretation of the genesis of Paleolithic art is done from a ludic point of view: humans executed such works just as a pastime and for pure aesthetic pleasure . Foz Côa


In 2002 two men attacked Jason Padgett outside a karaoke bar leaving him with a severe concussion. But the incident also gave him an astounding drawing ability. Padgett who had very little interest in academics developed the ability to visualize complex mathematical objects and see the world through the lens of geometry. "I see shapes and angles everywhere, from the geometry of a rainbow, to the fractals in water spiraling down a drain", he said. Padgett  is one of a rare group with acquired savant syndrome , in which a normal person develops prodigious abilities after a severe injury. "There's no such thing as a perfect circle", he said, which he knows because he can always see the edges of a polygon that approximates the circle.

Banco de Portugal

10 de julho de 2014 : O Banco de Portugal reafirmou ao Negócios  a posição já assumida anteriormente em relação ao BES: " A situação de solvabilidade do BES é sólida . O Banco de Portugal tem vindo a adoptar um conjunto de acções de supervisão, traduzidas em determinações específicas dirigidas à ESFG e ao BES, para evitar riscos de contágio ao banco resultantes do ramo não-financeiro do GES." A 3 de agosto de 2014  o Banco de Portugal anunciou um resgate de 4.4 mil milhões de euros do BES, o que ditou o seu fim como banco privado.


Querer pelo desejo o que sabe não poder querer pela vontade. ( José Saramago) I suffer – on the very limit of madness, I swear it – as if I could do all and was unable to do it, by deficiency of will. ( Fernando Pessoa )