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Showing posts from January, 2015

Ciência do Desperdício

"O investimento em Ciência e Tecnologia em Portugal passou de 0,5% do PIB em 1995 para 1,5% em 2011″, refere o livro "Ciência e Tecnologia em Portugal – Métricas e Impacto". Acrescenta também que "o número de novos doutorados por cem mil habitantes aumentou de 5,7 para 17,5 entre 1995 e 2011". Mas os autores alertam para a cautela com que se devem analisar estes dados. "Estes números não nos devem iludir. Portugal continua abaixo da média da União Europeia em aspetos fundamentais da sua atividade científica, tais como a quantidade e qualidade da sua produção científica e tecnológica." Além disso, há pouca transmissão do conhecimento para as empresas, um reduzido número de patentes e poucos doutorados a trabalhar nas empresas. Como o tecido empresarial não escoa a mão-de-obra qualificada, 80% continuam ligados à academia e muitos acabam por emigrar. Uma tese de doutoramento da Universidade de Coimbra constata que a maioria dos doutoramentos portu

Controlo de Qualidade

A Prova de Avaliação de Conhecimentos e Capacidades (PACC) destina-se a quem é detentor de uma qualificação profissional para a docência e pretende candidatar-se a concursos de recrutamento de pessoal docente da educação pré-escolar e dos ensinos básico e secundário. De um total de 2490 professores que em Dezembro de 2014 fizeram a PACC, 854 candidatos (34,3%) obtiveram uma classificação inferior a 50%, segundo dados revelados pelo Instituto de Avaliação Educativa (IAVE). No que se refere à produção de um texto, a pontuação média obtida pelos candidatos foi 10,2 pontos (em 20) e quase um quarto não ultrapassou os 5 pontos (22,4%). -

Push On

In Classical Mechanics , it is "built in" from the very beginning that there is a potential energy function. But why? The answer can be traced to the laws of quantum mechanics and to the origin of forces in field theory. So, why quantum field theory? At some point we have to give up and say that's just the way it is. Or, not give up and push on .


People fear fame like a Pig fears getting fat The German Maccabee Championship Games in Hamburg 1930


The Oxford University Press has warned its writers not to mention pigs, sausages or pork-related words in children's books, in a bid to avoid offending Muslims. Speaking on Radio 4's Today programme, presenter Jim Naughtie said: "I've got a letter here that was sent out by OUP to an author doing something for young people. Among the things prohibited in the text that was commissioned by OUP was the following: pigs plus sausages, or anything else which could be perceived as pork. " A spokesman for OUP said: "OUP's commitment to its mission of academic and educational excellence is absolute. Our materials are sold in nearly 200 countries, and as such, and without compromising our commitment in any way, we encourage some authors of educational materials respectfully to consider cultural differences and sensitivities ."

BAME Token

Channel 4 executives will find their bonus payments cut if they fail to meet radical new diversity targets which require women, black, asian or minority ethnic (BAME) people and the disabled to be given leading roles across all of its programmes. Channel 4's drama and comedies are required to include at least one lead character from an ethnic minority, LGBT or disabled background and 50 per cent of the lead roles must be female, if no other minority groups feature. Entertainment shows must also have 25 per cent female on-screen representation as well as a minimum of 15 per cent guests or presenters who are LGBT, ethnic minority, disabled or "another underrepresented group". The commitments extend to off-screen roles: 15 per cent of the production team in scripted shows should be from an ethnic minority or have a disability. "It is positive action, not positive discrimination" , Channel 4 said. The new targets would not prevent some good programmes from being co

Time Marketing

Michel Houellebecq's sixth novel, Soumission , was published today, January the 7th , in France . According to it, the leader of France's Muslim party has beaten the far-right Front National in the Presidential election, women abandon Western dress and leave work, non-Muslim teachers are forced out of their jobs and polygamy is reinstated: this is France in 2022. When confronted with accusations of Islamophobia, Houellebecq claimed that he was not writing out of fear and that "things don't go all that badly" in the book, except if you were a "feminist". Also today ,  January the 7th , at least 12 people have been killed in a shooting incident at the Paris office of French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo. Video footage posted to social media showed armed gunmen running through the streets of Paris, shooting with automatic weapons and shouting "Allahu Akbar". According to an eye-witness, one of the gunmen shouted: "The Prophet is avenged.&qu

Beautiful Chaos of Reality

Not even Tolkien’s vast philological scholarship, his deep knowledge of mythology, and his world-building skills could impress what Moorcock and company saw as a troublesome infantilism inherent in Tolkien’s work. In a 1971 essay in New Worlds, the writer M. John Harrison acknowledges Tolkien’s position as the first and last word in fantastic fiction, but begs readers to look more closely, where they will see not the “beautiful chaos of reality” but “stability and comfort and safe catharsis.” -