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Showing posts from April, 2020

The last days of a white world

This article was published in The Guardian in 2000 and was written by Anthony Browne. Source: It was news and no news; the most significant milestone in one of the most profound changes to affect the US in the past century, and yet a non-event. Last week the US Census Bureau issued figures showing that non-hispanic whites made up 49.8 per cent of the population of California. Anglo-Saxon whites are already a minority in Hawaii and the District of Columbia. Now they are an ethnic minority in the country's most populous state, the one most usually identified with the American dream. 'It's my hope we can all see our state's diversity as a cause for celebration and not consternation,' said California's lieutenant governor, Cruz Bustamente, a Latino. Robert Newby, a white shop-owner who has lived in Los Angeles for 40 years, echoed his optimism: 'This confirms what most of us have thought for years. I am happy for there to be more imm


Chico pensa na utilidade «prática». Mas, se através dos tempos o homem pensasse apenas na utilidade prática, hoje não seria um homem, seria um parafuso. De resto, os utilitários estão lutando contra si: conquistada a base prática, liquidados, em hipótese, os problemas de bem-estar, forçada toda a azáfama ao silêncio, eis que as flores da solidão, da asfixia, brotarão com a sua virulência clandestina da miséria do homem: a vida estará então toda ela por conquistar, desde o limiar das origens. [Vergílio Ferreira (1959), Aparição]